(Pic. Our Logo)

Equity Markets

Hans Krãhling GmBH is an established broking company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, which gives Croisette Finance direct access to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
The main activity encompasses the international share market and the administration of private and institutional investment portfolio.

We can assist you with professional investment advice.
You will also profit from the advantages which our traditional banking partners extend to us in the execution of our share transactions.
Short term trading in the IBIS and DAX Futures is made possible by our on-line computer link to these markets.

(ruler)Welcome (ruler)Foreign Currency Services (ruler) Real Estate Investment

(ruler)Further Information

Croisette Finance
57 Boulevard de la Croisette
06400 Cannes France
Tél. (33) 04 93 28 27 96 - (33) 04 93 38 27 98
Fax.(33) 04 93 38 27 17
e-mail croisette@riviera.fr
SARL CROISETTE FINANCE - SIRET : 402 141 394 00013 - APE : 741J - T.V.A. : FR 80 402 141 394

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