Thanks for taking time to visit the Prehistoric Treasures Web Site. We've enjoyed putting it together and hope you've enjoyed your visit. If you would like to order any of our stock or have a specific enquiry then please use our simple & secure fax form below. Simply , print out the form & fill in your details and request then fax it to us at 1(801) 375-9251 & we'll do the rest. Alternatively use our electronic e-mail order form. All our items are subject to a 30 day money back guarantee.
Shipping & handling costs are $2.50 for the first item plus $1 per additional item.

Utah residents please do not forget to add sales tax

International orders just add an extra $2.00 per complete order.

Please allow 30 days for delivery. ( Just in case we are on a dinosaur dig. )

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Please Fax. to Prehistoric Treasures. 1(801) 375-9251.

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Prehistoric Treasures, 1060 N. Oakmont Lane, Provo, Utah 84604, U.S.A.

Created, composed, and constructed by Virtual Riviera 1996